Last Updated: 31/05/2024
About me
Akira Aratani
Software Engineer @M3
- Andorid
- Kotlin (2015/04~)
- Java
- Flutter
- Figma
- Sketch
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- 2019/07-: Software Engineer(Japan), M3, Inc. (en)
- 2015/04-2019/05: Software Engineer(Japan), CyberAgent, Inc. (en)
- 2021/09-2022/03: Part‐time teacher in Hosei University, Syllabus
- 2022/09-2023/03: Part‐time teacher in Hosei University, Syllabus
- 2023/09-2023/03: Part‐time teacher in Hosei University, Syllabus
- 2024/09-2025/03: Part‐time teacher in Hosei University, Syllabus
Master of Science and Engineering,
Department of Information Engineering,(Computer Science)
Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Major: Network, Security2013/03
Bachelor of Science and Engineering,
Department of Information Engineering,(Computer Science)
Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Major : Network, Security GPA : 3.5
- 2017/10 CyberAgent Excellent Award Best Engineer
- 2015/06 映像情報メディア学会 優秀研究発表賞
- 2015/01 Consumer Electronics Society East Joint Japan Chapter ICCE Young Scientist Paper Award
- 2014/12 Degital Contents Contest, Hosei University 2014,
インタラクティブ部門佳作2点, 静止画部門佳作 - 2013/12 CyberAgent Mock Plan Contest 銅賞
- 2013/12 Degital Contents Contest, Hosei University 2013,
インタラクティブ部門優秀賞, 静止画部門入選 - 2013/06 NTT Docomo主催 Medias W アプリ開発コンテスト 優秀賞
- 2013/06 日系BP社 A3(Android Application Award)2013 学生奨励賞
- 2023/11 Master of Flutter lifecycle, Flutter Kaigi 2023
- 2019/11 5年更新していなかったアプリが..., Android感謝祭 [Google Photo](GIF Enabled)
- 2019/08 Kotlin Multiplatform Project入門, Kotlin Fest 2019
- 2019/07 我が家のおうちIoT, M3 Tech Talk
- 2019/03 How to publish a Kotlin Multiplatform Library, どこでもKotlin
- 2018/10 Kotlin1.3, CA.kt
- 2018/05 Android App Bundle, CA.apk
- 2018/02 Introduce Instant Apps, DroidKaigi2018
- 2017/12 Kotlin Types, CA.kt@Fukuoka
- 2017/12 Kotlin Types, CA.kt@Osaka
- 2017/11 Kotlin Types, CA.kt
- 2017/09 Java2Kotlin, IDOM Kotlin勉強会
- 2017/07 FRESH! Kotlin Style Guilde, 日本Androidの会 2017年7月定例会
- 2017/06 Introduce Kotlin Coroutine, CA.kt
- 2017/01 1年半プロジェクトでKotlinを使ってみて良かったこと、良くなかったこと, CA.apk
- 2016/10 Flux with Kotlin, AbemaTV Developer Conference
- 2015/02 Authentication Method against Shoulder-Surfing Attacks using Secondary Channel,
メディア工学研究会 (ME), Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan - 2015/01 Authentication Method against Shoulder-Surfing Attacks using Secondary Channel,
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE2015), Las Vegas, US - 2014/07 サブチャネルを用いた覗き見耐性を保つ認証方式の提案,
情報処理学会 Computer Security Group(CSEC), Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan - 2013/10 IRCプロトコルを利用した攻撃者と感染端末の探索手法,
MWS computer security symposium, Takamatu, Kagawa, Japan
- 2019/01 みんなのKotlin (共著|Collaboration)
- 2017/10 Kotlin in Action (査読|Review)
- 2017/05 Kotlin助走読本 (共著|Collaboration)
- Photo 📷
- Drone 🚁
- Travel 🌏
- I have been to 29 countries and regions
- Soft Tennis 🎾
- FX, Stock 💹
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